Feed A Cold, Starve A Fever?!
By ModernMelly
Heyyy. Sigh. So. I took an unplanned, unwanted month (plus) long hiatus from, well… everything, thanks to the flu, and subsequently pneumonia. It pretty much kicked the shit out of me, to put it bluntly. Thirteen day of fever, a few doctor visits, an ER trip, and a partridge in a pear treeeeee. Sorry, not that last part. It just fit, somehow. Since you all have been sick at some point in your lives, I’ll spare you the details, because it’d be like preaching to the choir, right?! Psst…Important message at the end!
**The only little ray of light was the 7 extra pounds I dropped (but we all know illness weight loss always comes back). Oh, and also that my Mommy came and took care of us, thank God. I say ‘us’ because my husband was knocked out of commission as well by the very same beast. Ok, wait-, technically, he started it, then two weeks into his germ party, I was pushed onto the infectious disease bandwagon. Good times!! I mean, look at us, just having a blast:

As newlyweds, this was our first experience in the “In sickness and in health” part of the vows, so let’s all take a moment and say “Awwwww”. I mean, to clarify, we’ve each taken a turn at being unwell, and even each had a medical procedure done where we needed to take care of the other. But… big time sick at the same time?! Totally a first.
Some things we learned about each other during our stint in Sickness City:
We both are pathetic. Like, all out, can’t reach the thermometer right fricking there on the nightstand, can you get it for me, pathetic.
We are both passively-aggressively competitive as to who feels the worst. As in:
“Ugh, babe (yes, we call each other babe sometimes. Don’t judge) my cough is really killing me”
“Ohh, really? That sucks, honey. My 103 fever is totally frying my brain right now.”
“Aw, man. I hear ya, MY head totally feels like it’ll explode from all the pressure.”
“Wow, I’m pretttty sure I’ve dehydrated to the point of embalmment.”
And, so on.
I am better at sucking it up and rallying. It’s true, don’t let him try and tell you otherwise. I’m tougher, as women usually are. I’m sorry boys, but it’s a fact known to all (women).
He is better at being nice, regardless of how he feels. Yah, I’ve got to give him that. He feels like shit: still nice. I feel like shit: everyone must die. Now.
He has no illness etiquette. Um, no brainer- it’s why I got sick at all!. Seriously, he coughed directly in my face. Often. Not even my normally spectacular immune system could fight that barrage of germiness being hurtled my way.
I feel meh.

So, attempted humor aside, we really did find out a little more of what we, the couple, are made of. Turns out, the aforementioned aside we still rocked it. But that whole, Feed A Fever, Starve A Cold thing? Ehh. Drink fluids no matter what and eat if you’re hungry. Nothing complicated. Now, the part you really want to know about:
*Since posting the original version of this post, I’ve discovered the benefits of a little magic thing called ‘Bone Broth’. So far, I swear by it. You can buy it
already made, but it’s so easy to make your own:
**This is directly from Wellness Mama, who if you’re not following, I highly recommend!
- 2 pounds (or more) of bones from a healthy source
- 2 chicken feet for extra gelatin (optional)
- 1 onion
- 2 carrots
- 2 stalks of celery
- 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
- Optional: 1 bunch of parsley, 1 tablespoon or more of sea salt, 1 teaspoon peppercorns, additional herbs or spices to taste. I also add 2 cloves of garlic for the last 30 minutes of cooking.
- You’ll also need a large stock pot to cook the broth in and a strainer to remove the pieces when it is done.
- If you are using raw bones, especially beef bones, it improves flavor to roast them in the oven first. I place them in a roasting pan and roast for 30 minutes at 350.
- Then, place the bones in a large stock pot (I use a 5 gallon pot). Pour (filtered) water over the bones and add the vinegar. Let sit for 20-30 minutes in the cool water. The acid helps make the nutrients in the bones more available.
- Rough chop and add the vegetables (except the parsley and garlic, if using) to the pot. Add any salt, pepper, spices, or herbs, if using.
- Now, bring the broth to a boil. Once it has reached a vigorous boil, reduce to a simmer and simmer until done.
- During the first few hours of simmering, you’ll need to remove the impurities that float to the surface. A frothy/foamy layer will form and it can be easily scooped off with a big spoon. Throw this part away. I typically check it every 20 minutes for the first 2 hours to remove this. Grass-fed and healthy animals will produce much less of this than conventional animals.
- During the last 30 minutes, add the garlic and parsley, if using.
- Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Strain using a fine metal strainer to remove all the bits of bone and vegetable. When cool enough, store in a gallon size glass jar in the fridge for up to 5 days, or freeze for later use.
Love, love, LOVE this stuff!
About Modern Melly, aka Melanie Cherniack: Melanie a a published author to nine children’s books, as well as two novels, all available through her website modernmelly.com/shop. Melanie is also the founder and designer of the #goodhuman brand, selling empowering, uplifting and inspiring merchandise which benefits numerous charities. Visit igoodhuman.com for more. She is available for book signing events as well as speaking engagements. To book an event email Melanie at modernmellyworld@gmail.com. Find Melly on Facebook HERE and on Twitter HERE.