How To Make Your Mood Inspire Your Writing

Make Your Mood Your Bitch

Sorry, that was… aggressive. But guess what? That’s kind of how I’m feeling today. Also I’d prefer to call it assertive. It sounds nicer. Point being, I thought I’d use my current mood to discuss mood writing.  It’s exactly how it sounds (if it sounds like using your mood to write in a certain tone).

There have been many a time when my mood dictated whether I felt like writing or not. One example is when I’m not feeling well. We’ve all been there – feeling crappy, weak, unmotivated. Usually, we succum to the mood and crawl under the covers (or at least wish we could) and accomplish nothing on our too long to-do lists.

But – there’s always a but –  what if you channel that mood into

 your writing? What better time to explore how your character is feeling (or create how a character is feeling) than when you’re actually feeling the sensations and emotions?!

I’ve written some pret-ty darn good prose when I was melancholy (rainy days are magical for that kind of writing, aren’t they?) if I may say so myself. The same can be said (if I may brag) about writing fight scenes when I’m angry. Seriously, what better time and safest channeling of your anger, than to pour it into your writing?

So,even if you don’t have a WIP going right now, tear off a sheet of paper or grab your laptop (or dictate it to your phone) and use your mood to set a scene. Access all the feels – your physcial and emotional reactions – and show it on the paper (or screen, or dictation).

Happy… or angry, sad, bored… writing to you!



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Elsa Kurt is a multi-genre, indie & traditionally published author, brand designer, life coach, and motivational speaker. She currently has seven novels independently published, as well as three novellas published with Crave Publishing in their Craving: Country, Craving: Loyalty, and Craving: Billions anthologies. She is a lifelong New England resident and married mother of two grown daughters. When not writing, designing, or talking her head off, she can be found gardening, hiking, kayaking, and just about anywhere outdoors. Or, you could just find Elsa on social media: and her website,