Now, That’s Empowerment

Now, That's Empowerment

Big, HUGE topic, I know. It’s one I just happen to love, too. Women inspiring and empowering other women. I mean, just… how COOL is that? I have to confess, up until recent years, I thought the concept was largely a myth.

So, What Changed?

Let’s face it. Women are often really, really hard on each other (although still not nearly as hard as we are on ourselves). And sometimes – don’t get mad, now – but sometimes we kinda talk out of both sides of our faces. I’m not pointing fingers, believe me. I’ve caught myself doing it, too. 

By now, you’ve probably noticed a lot of noise coming from the female population. Some marches? A hashtag? Listen, I don’t know if that’s what spurred this tidal wave of women helping women, but I won’t rule it out. Regardless, that’s not quite what I’m talking about here today. I’m not into counter-productive divisiveness and the us versus them mentality. That’s not my circus and those aren’t my monkeys. My circus is actually a party where we celebrate differences and build each other up and you’re all invited… but ya gotta act right. 

My Slightly Snarky, Well Intended GuideTo Acting Right:

1) Be Kind.

2) Be Uplifting

 3) Be Authentic 

4) Aim To Inspire

 5) Empower Others

 6) Work on Yourself

 7) Set Goals

 8) Achieve Goals

 9) Win 

10) Repeat

Legit, those are the rules. See, we don’t have time to fight anyone because we’re way too busy being creators, innovators, entrepreneurs, role models, and influencers.  All while being everything else we are in life. #SorryNotSorry . With these simple steps in mind, I’ve made a habit of conscientiousness, turned down the dial on negative thinking, and strive to see the beauty in both myself and other women. It’s a daily practice that has not only brought a deeper sense of peace to my life, but also a like-minded army of women who I consider my tribe.

 Why Join This Women Tribe?

Let me tell you: These ladies are the real deal. Strong, vulnerable, honest, compassionate, generous, welcoming. They come from all walks of life, different social and economic backgrounds, with unique and universal challenges, varying levels of traditional education… well, you get the idea. No two are alike, and yet we’re all the same. These are the women who see you struggle and put their hand out to give you a hand up. They’re the ones that’ll tell a stranger, “Girl, I love your hair,” or “Honey, you are beautiful,” and expect nothing in return but for you have good damn day. 

Who Wouldn’t Want To Be  Part Of That, Right?


So, who are they and where can you find them? They’re everywhere! But I’ll give you my new favorite to start with. It’s called Be Simply Inspirational (click HERE for Facebook page) Click HERE for the website. It’s a mutli-faceted, women run media platform for story sharing, resources, and community building… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

IMPORTANT: Friends, I do not recieve any compensation for this, nor is it a paid advertisement. I DO get to call these ladies my friends, though. They’re my kind of people. Empowered women who empower other women… without taking anyone down to do so. 

This is something I would love to see grow and fill our social media platforms, instead of the hate and fear driven monologues and tirades. I hope you’ll join us in being a part of positive change, spiritual and emotional growth, and the truest form of empowerment.


Now, here’s my personal ‘sales pitchy’ part. I believe in doing my part. I have the good fortune to be in a position to help others through my experiences in writing, publishing, and promoting. Yes, there is a fee because I also have to make a living. The fee is small, especially in relation to what you’ll get. So, if you are an aspiring or new author in need of guidance, please consider joining my Elsa Kurt Writer Tribe! For more information, email me at That wasn’t so bad, now, was it? 

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You may know Elsa Kurt for her uncanny, viral Kamala Harris impressions & conservative comedy skits, but she’s also a lifelong Patriot & longtime Police Wife. She has channeled her fierce love and passion for God, family, country, and those who serve as the creator, Executive Producer & Host of the Elsa Kurt Show with Clay Novak. Her show discusses today’s topics & news from a middle class/blue collar family & conservative perspective. She also introduced a new podcast series called: Coming Out Christian.. Her book, Welcome to the Family (Life Behind the Thin Blue Line) has been called the “must have survival guide for new LEO spouses.” The vocal LEOW’s career began as a multi-genre author who has penned over 25 books, including twelve contemporary women’s novels. Her fiction stories explore the complex and relatable experiences of everyday life – the love & laughter, the heartbreak & sorrow, and everything in between. She finds the extraordinary in ordinary lives and puts you in the front seat of every story. Elsa has also written several children’s books, all with themes of encouragement, empowerment & uplifting messaging.