Dear Mothers of Sons (A Request From Mothers of Daughters)

Dear Mothers of Sons (A Request From Mothers of Daughters)

Hi there, boy mamas! I see you’ve already put on your defensive fuck you face, but settle down. We are adulting, so hear me out. Now, first off, this is only going out to a very select group of mothers. Not ALL mothers of sons. Nor is this something I or anyone I know, dealing … Read More

You Are Not Broken~ A Girl’s Mantra

You Are Not Broken~ A Girl’s Mantra

You Are Not Broken A Girl’s Mantra by Elsa Kurt Broken. We hear this word so often in the context of humans, of human relationships. It bothers me, gets right under my skin and digs like a splinter- one of those little tiny ones you can feel but can’t quite get at, this contextual usage. Broken? … Read More

Dear Modern Moms (Message from a Dinosaur Mom)

Dear Modern Moms (Message from a Dinosaur Mom)

With so many topics to choose from- Donald Trump running for President (love it. Gasp, I said it), the senseless and cowardly slaughter of Cecil the Lion (heartsick over it), Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts (conflicted about it), ISIS (violently hate it), Horrible Hillary(nuff said), and so many more mind melting news stories, I’ve … Read More