First: What’s An ISBN?
ISBN = International Standard Book Number. These numbers are created and sold through Bowker Identifier Services. This is the only legitimate source of ISBNs. This assigned, unique 10 or 13 digit number identifies your book to retailers, libraries, and such all around the world. ISBNs are purchased by the publisher or self-publishing author, or given by KDP or other self-publishing platforms. Each version of said book (paperback, hardcover, second editions, ect) will have its own ISBN. Ebooks do NOT need an ISBN.
For Traditional Publishing
If you have a traditional publishing contract, the publisher will buy your ISBN for your book. However, if and when the rights revert back to you, the author, and you wish to republish the book, you will need a new ISBN, as it will be a new edition.
For Self-Publishing
If you are self-publishing, you can do one of two things. You can: accept a free, assigned ISBN from your self-publishing platform. However, this will make them your “publisher” and on the product details page of your book, where it says publisher, it will say “Independendly Published.”
So What?
Why would that matter? It might not (to you) if this is merely your passion project and sales and distribution are non-interests. When it might matter, is when you ask a bookstore or other retailer (or library) to carry your books. If you walk in off the street with self-printed books, you have close to zero chance. If you walk in with professionally printed, comparable to market looking books, they may offer to sell on consignment.
So, Where Do They Get Their Books? (Hint: Not Amazon)
Booksellers rarely will buy books from Amazon (the competition) to sell in their stores. They go to Ingram or Baker&Taylor where they can get a retailer discount of up to 55% AND can return the books if they don’t sell.
Don’t Dispair, Self-Publisher!
The good news is, you can still compete in this arena as a self-published author. Yes, offering the discount sucks. So does the returnable option (neither of which you HAVE to do, but should).
More Good News!
When you purchase your own ISBNs and create your profile on Bowker, you also get to create your own “Publishing Company.” Cool, right? That means you get to design your own cool logo, too. Woo hoo! (Just make sure you’re not using someone else’s!!)
Another Thing…
Bowker makes these steps nice and easy. They’ll walk you through the process and I’ve found their customer service decent.
A Touch of Bad News
ISBNs aren’t cheap. Expect to spend (as of this post) $125 for one. If you plan on publishing more books, I highly recommend purchasing the second option, which is a block of ten ISBNs for $295. An obvious better deal.
I’ve created the Writer’s Tribe Talk Show, a video/audio podcast for authors. As part of the show, I offer authors the opportunity to come on the show and promote their books as my Spotlight Author. My interviews are informal and entertaining, but also informative. I give my Spotlight Authors center stage to promote & engage the audience with their story, their way. They not only have fun, but also get a powerful promotional tool to add to their author arsenal!

If you’d like to book an author spot, I’d LOVE to have you. Email me at authorelsakurt@gmail.com