Sexy. Funny… AWKWARD?!



???This is the PERFECT GIFT? for the for the divorced (or divorcING) woman. ???

Let’s be real… divorce sucks.  And dating after divorce?  Ugh, don’t get me started! Anyone who’s been there knows.  Give them the gift of humor & the hope for a light at the end of the tunnel (trust me,  ladies,  there is one).

??The Awkward Woman’s Guide to Dating (After Divorce) ??by Elsa Kurt

When thirty-something year old, mother of two, former stay-at-home mom Keira Travis finds herself single for the first time in her adult life, she jumps right it…to one hysterical disaster after another. With a little help from her friends (and one very snarky narrator) Keira navigates through the messy world of ‘adulting’ with a sense of humor (and a whole lot of awkwardness!). The Awkward Woman’s Guide To Dating (After Divorce) is one part comedy, one part romance, and an all-around good time!

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